Friday, December 11, 2015

How I Managed to Get Taller

I was short and wanted to get taller. I know that our genes determine our height, but there are some things that I found to help. First of all was simply eating correctly, regular exercises and rest. So I set out to get taller! I started eating foods that I should have been eating all along, and I found several exercises that actually did help me. You remember as a kid the bars in the playground that we used to just hang from, well guess what it was actually one of the things that helped me get taller. Just letting gravity do its job it didn’t just help me grow taller but actually made my whole spine feel better too.

I found that sitting around all day is what can make us shorter by compressing the cartilage in the spine and that makes us shorter. Over a short time of doing this one exercise, I grew by a full two inches. The trick is to make sure that the bar you are using to hang from is high enough so that your legs do not have to be completely bent. At first try to hang for 20 seconds and then try again. One more secret that I used was wearing ankle weights to help me get taller faster.

The next thing I did was a lot of stretching yoga exercises like sitting on the floor and putting my head as close to my knees as I could get. Then downward dog, I held this position for about 20 seconds it increased my flexibility and height. After that I stood up slowly so you don’t get dizzy and did a forward bend putting my hands on the floor and my face as close to my knees as I could get, it helps also with relaxing the spine which is a good thing to help get taller.

When I did some simple exercises and began to eat better and get the sleep that I needed and was not getting. I found that I was able to get taller naturally, and not have to have surgery to do it. I was standing up straighter, and this added inches to my height, I did not realize that I had such a slump when I stood up. They hanging exercise helps also with several other problems like hunch back or sway back these two alone can reduce several inches.

How I Managed to Get Taller Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Irfan Blogger


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